Thursday, September 17, 2009

Starting Up

Well, here I am, blogging. I never really thought I'd see the day. I love looking at my friends' blogs, of course (who wouldn't want to know what little Timmy ate for breakfast?), but I wondered where I would find the time... or the interest. While I still haven't found the time, I realized that most of the really great blogs out there (I will be creating a "shout out to my homies" directory soon) started because people were really pissed off about something. Maybe it was the line at the grocery store, or the traffic, or the size of their respective behinds, but something was making these bloggers ANGRY.

I'll tell you something right now - I'm no stranger to anger, as my kids would have you know - but nothing gets under my skin worse than seeing professionally created signs, pamphlets and articles that look like they've been written by my four-year old. I'm talking about "'there', 'their', and 'they're' - that kind of stuff. I'm talking about people who can't seem to remember in which tense they are speaking. I'm talking about six-foot tall illuminated signs that proudly read: "Tool's For Less". I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.

In honor of our nation's public schools, I am going to do my best to make a difference. I shall offer short tutorials intended to help those who can't grasp the fact that not every plural noun needs an apostrophe. I shall tirelessly scour the web to acquire visual examples of good grammar gone bad. I shall fight no more forever.
